Guest Post: No Debt Will Ever Be Repaid

“Borrow today and repay later” logic carries an implicit bet on the future. Without an optimistic outlook on the future, there is no lending or borrowing. Debt links the present and the future in a circular way: A prosperous future cannot happen without the present, and the present cannot take off without a belief in (better) future. In this way, the very concept of the future undergoes a transformation in capitalism: It no longer represents a timeline we experience, but a concept we envision.”

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Goldman On Trump: “Prospects Have Deteriorated Much More Than We Would Have Imagined”

“Most recent presidents have been able to enact at least one key piece of legislation in their first year, and occasionally two or three before their first midterm election. This year, it appears unlikely that any of the Administration’s key legislative priorities will be enacted by the fall, and it looks increasingly doubtful that any will be enacted in the first year.”

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Why One Strategist Thinks “The Dollar Is About To Flex Its Muscles”

“Dollar bulls have had a rough go of it lately. After peaking in early January the greenback’s been on a one way train lower, one of many popular “Trump trades” gone awry. While there may have been a solid rationale for the dollar’s decline, I’d be wary of chasing it here. Conditions are brewing for a revival of the dollar’s fortunes.”

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