How much is a subscription?
$20/month when billed monthly or $190 per year when billed annually.
Important: We no longer offer a lower-priced subscription plan. If you are currently subscribed to the lower-priced legacy plan (previously called “Premium”), you will be automatically upgraded to either a $20/month plan, a $190/year plan or the equivalent (depending on your current billing frequency) on your regular renewal date in 2025, at which point you will have access to all content and receive all mailers. On October 25, 2024, we provided a two-month advance notice of that change, via e-mail, to all subscribers with a legacy-tier subscription. If you are on a legacy-tier, lower-priced subscription and you do not wish to upgrade when your subscription renews in 2025, you will need to cancel your subscription prior to your renewal date. This notice is not relevant for new subscribers, nor for existing subscribers who upgraded at any point over the last two years.
What access does a paid subscription give me?
Access to all content, including the archive. You will also receive a Daily mailer, as well as Weekly and Monthly letters, as detailed on the subscribe page.
When is content archived and only available to paid subscribers?
All articles over 90 days old are only available to paid subscribers.
How many articles are in the archive?
Roughly 16,000.
Who processes subscription payments?
Subscriptions are powered by Stripe. Stripe counts Google, Nasdaq, Amazon, Salesforce, Lyft, Spotify, Uber and Target (among many others) as its customers. Stripe’s terms of service for customers is available here
Can I cancel any time?
Yes. Canceling is as simple as going to your premium subscriber profile page, clicking “Payment Info,” then clicking “Cancel.” You will be asked to confirm. If you do, your subscription will be canceled and your access will expire at the end of your billing cycle, when your billing will cease.
Note: Deleting your user account is not the same as canceling your subscription.
Where do I subscribe?
You can subscribe for a premium account here.
Who do I contact if I have questions?
Contact: [email protected]