One Trader Is Disgusted That You Bought The Terrorist Dip

“I thought the market reaction to the bombing in Manchester was appalling. And an indictment of a system that rewards, time and again, through official reaction functions, utter callousness and obliviousness to events. Everything may have become a buy-the-dip opportunity. But it shouldn’t be. It’s why nothing ever changes.”

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“Here Today, Gone Tomorrow,” One Trader Indicts A “Sheep-Like, Cynical” Market

“Last week it was, U.S. is cratering, the legislative agenda is dead, China is tightening at a dangerous rate and Brazil will take down the emerging market complex. So far today, and it’s only Monday, global growth is accelerating, corporate profits are great, China knows exactly when to ease off the decelerator, PMIs are a source of strength not worry.”

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