Thursday: You Only Need One Chart

A little (possibly coordinated) help from i) a Fed that’s rolling out a cautiously hawkish message (again), ii) an ECB that’s suddenly walking back its hawkishness (i.e. leaning dovish – again), iii) some underwhelming inflation data out of Germany, iv) a subsequent widening of UST-Bund spreads, all conspiring to support the dollar, and just like that… f*cking presto… higher stocks as the reflation meme is viable again.

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Presenting Your Ultimate Visual Guide To A Long Ass Brexit

To be sure, we’ve all had a long time to prepare for Brexit. So long, in fact, that I no longer have to put the word Brexit in scare quotes. Thanks to the infinite wisdom of Nigel Farage (and a whole bunch of people who, based on Google Trends, didn’t have any idea what the EU was before they voted to leave it), Brexit is now a real proper noun.

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Dear America: Don’t Fall For The O.J. Simpson Glove Trick With Trump & Russia

No longer is this a question of establishing enough coincidences to render those coincidences … well … to render them not coincidental, it’s now gotten to the point where there’s almost too much proof. That is, this is one of those rare cases where the sheer amount of incriminating evidence has accidentally created its own smoke screen.

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