This Is What Happens When Americans Don’t Get Their Tax Refunds
I think it’s safe to say we all knew that Americans aren’t exactly in the
Trump’s Kellyanne Conway Says Your Microwave Is Spying On You, Twitter Responds
“Microwaves that turn into cameras, etc. We know this is a fact of modern life.”
Trader Warns: Fed Meeting Will Be “Death Knell” For Reflation Trades
Dammit Mark, didn’t you learn anything from Goldman’s overnight note on commodities? When reality doesn’t reflect
Sneaky Ass Hawks
“We begin the new week with evidence that hawks are circling everywhere.”
Goldman: “Lack Of Hard Evidence” Aside, Long Oil, Copper Reco Still A Good Idea
Time stamp it. Sure, it may seem like a deflationary bombshell has been dropped on
The First Week Of The Rest Of Your Life
Welcome to the first week of the rest of your life. By now you all
Key Calls (Monday): Upgrades, Downgrades & Initiations
Are your stocks on the list?
Your Quick Guide To A Big Week
As you’re aware, this is a big week. The Fed takes center stage, but the
If you were following along last week (well, I guess technically it’s still “this” week,
“Clearly, Markets Would Be Scared”: Don’t Forget About Wednesday’s “Other” Big Event
“It would be a major political shock because then Marine le Pen’s claim
that nationalism could conquer the Continent would be right,” Holger Sandte, chief European analyst at the financial group Nordea, said in a podcast. “Clearly markets would be scared.”
Chart Check: “Who’s Right?”
This one is kind of esoteric, but someone will get it.
“He Talks To Jared All The Time”: Is Jared Kushner Trump’s De Facto Secretary Of State?
Rex is supposed to be the Secretary of State, but if you were going by things he’s said and public appearances, you’d be forgiven for thinking he was dead. Put differently, Rex is very much unlike Frederick Douglass, who, according to the President, “has done a great job and is getting noticed more and more.”
A One-Way Bet: “People Are Waist Deep For The First Time”
“People went toe in the water, knee in the water and now many are probably above the waist for the first time.”
Sunday Humor: “Average Joe”
The “people’s President.”
“This Will Be Like 1994”: Credit Investors Are Getting Worried About The Fed
Last week, investors began to question the extent to which exceptionally loose financial conditions and
Crude Carnage Has Saudi, Gulf Shares Seeing Red On Sunday
“Do you see what happens, Larry?!” “Do you see what happens Larry when you let
Bernanke Was Right
“And higher stock prices will boost consumer wealth and help increase confidence, which can also spur spending. Increased spending will lead to higher incomes and profits that, in a virtuous circle, will further support economic expansion.”
Inside Steve Bannon’s Quest For World Domination
“The European Union project has failed,†Farage declared. “It is doomed, I’m pleased to say.†“It’s a great accomplishment,†Bannon said. “Congratulations.â€
Saturday (Tragic) Humor: Preet Bharara Edition
“You’re fired!”
Happy Birthday Bull Market! (Just Don’t Forget To Read The Fine Print)
If you’re like so many ‘Sharons’, you’re still long or worse, you just recently got long along with all the other retail investors who together have dumped something on the order of $124 billion into ETFs YTD. For you, how we got here matters. That is, you need to make sure you know what you just bought into. You need to read the fine print.
Behold! The Trump/Bannon Propaganda Machine In Action
You cannot make this sh*t up. So on Friday, following an NFP print that was
Percentage Of Junk Investors Raising Cash Explodes, Number Reporting Below Average Cash Position Halves
Whatever you do, don’t you try and say we didn’t warn you. Time after time,
“There’s No Diversification”: When This Ship Sinks, We’re All Going Down With It
” However, the correlation with S&P 500 varies substantially among different HF strategies. Short Bias is the only strategy that offers negative correlation or most diversification effects.”
“What Are Your Biggest Concerns?” Bank Of America’s Clients Respond
Those who frequent these hallowed pages are well aware that when it comes to event
Presenting All Of Trump’s Putin Connections In 7 Easy Charts
Ok, so obviously Donald Trump colluded with the Russians at some point during his candidacy.
Junk Warning: “You Are Here”
They do ring bells at the top…
Goldman: Things Have Changed, The “Hurdle” For More Fed Hikes Is Now Lower
“Over the last two years the FOMC appeared to take an asymmetric approach to policy, with a greater willingness to slow the pace of rate increases than to the speed them up. Now that the economy looks much closer to the Fed’s objectives, the FOMC may approach policy decisions more symmetrically.”
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