If He’s So Concerned About “Terrorists”, Why Is Saudi Arabia Not On Trump’s List Of Banned Countries?

For all the talk of “change” (which seems to be every politician’s go-to mantra these days), we know of one thing that’s apparently going to remain exactly the same under Donald Trump: Washington’s steadfast refusal to acknowledge the incontrovertible fact (as opposed to “alternative facts”) that Riyadh is the problem when it comes to Sunni extremism.

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Goldman: Global Fund Managers “Concerned” With Trade Wars, Protectionism

Given the distinct possibility that global trade and commerce is about to be completely upended by an unhinged real estate developer with delusions of grandeur and his cabinet of billionaires, it isn’t any wonder that when Goldman asked fund managers what they were concerned about, geopolitics and global trade topped the list.

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Why One Trader “Can’t Stop Thinking About The FOMC Meeting”

“I can’t stop thinking about next week’s FOMC meeting. Which I realize is odd given that nothing is expected, virtually nothing priced in and no press conference. Not to mention, none of the big guns is currently scheduled to speak in the days after the event. This is meant to be one of those free-pass get-togethers.”

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