We’ll See What Happens.

There was no shortage of Trump headlines on Thursday, that's for fucking sure. He kicked things off bright and early with a series of characteristically ridiculous tweets about Syria and Mueller and then proceeded to dominate the tape all day long, from start to finish. For one thing, he's "deputized" Kudlow and Lighthizer to look at re-entering the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a move that would be a welcome development for the international community, but which would appear to be politically ri

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4 thoughts on “We’ll See What Happens.

  1. Must be awesome for generals of the most powerful military in history to be literally batted around like pinballs in a pinball machine played by a scared to death, spoiled rotten, ignorant and moronic, wholly self-centered and selfish thin-skinned megalomaniac. Kind of like having a surgeon’s head shoved into an InSinkErator garbage disposal while performing open heart surgery on four month old preemie.

    1. Although the President is prone tp hyperbole and at times unwise and unhelpful tweets, it seems he has a significant number of accomplishments during the past 14 months. His non-conforming and brash leadership style certainly is found offensive to many but I think his stance on free/fair trade will culminate in long term benefits for our Country.His judicial appointments, including Gorsuch, will have a profoundly positive impact going forward. The reduction of over-reaching regulations will spur business and infrastructure gains. Just an alternative viewpoint.

  2. Nixon had some civil rights creds, gave the country the EPA, opened the door to China and possessed other positive accomplishments but nevertheless was the “crook,” he denied being. In any administration there will be hundreds of actions taken that one can point to as a “a significant number of accomplishments,” in an effort to support one’s viewpoint. In America everyone is entitled to their viewpoint and to weigh what’s positive for them against what’s negative for others.

    For me, Trump’s negatives are so far overwhelming any accidental positives, that I find in him no redeeming societal, social, political, religious, legal or constitutional value and in applying contemporary community standards find him a patently offensive human being.