Bill Gross Has Some “Brainteasers” For You And Eventually He’ll Say Something About Markets

“Equity markets are priced for too much hope, high yield bond markets for too much growth, and all asset prices elevated to artificial levels that only a model driven, historically biased investor would believe could lead to returns resembling the past six years, or the decades predating Lehman.”

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Is “Vive La France” The Rallying Cry That Gets Oil To $70? One Bank Thinks So

“Should a synchronous recovery take hold, we believe dollar weakness would be bullish for USD oil prices. While micro supply/demand fundamental oil balances still point to higher oil this summer, oil could soon sing “Vive la France”. We retain our $70/bbl end-of-June target for Brent.”

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Goldman: The Gas Wars Are Coming And “Russia’s Grip On Europe” Is Slipping

“We believe that we are likely to see a similar response from low-cost producers to that seen in the oil market to the rise of shale production. OPEC, which has been limiting its production for a long period of time, decided to take on the shale producers in 2014, ramping up its output in a bid to force shale producers to reduce their investment and output. This eventually occurred in 2016.”

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