Impeachment Imminent?: Federal Judges Block Trump’s Muslim Ban As Nation Erupts In Protest

If you think that when it comes right down to it, members of Congress on both sides of the aisle are going to risk their own asses/careers and risk being judged by history as a bunch of weak-willed pussies (to use a Trumpism) who sat by and let a real estate developer/reality TV show host run roughshod over the Constitution you are sorely mistaken.

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If He’s So Concerned About “Terrorists”, Why Is Saudi Arabia Not On Trump’s List Of Banned Countries?

For all the talk of “change” (which seems to be every politician’s go-to mantra these days), we know of one thing that’s apparently going to remain exactly the same under Donald Trump: Washington’s steadfast refusal to acknowledge the incontrovertible fact (as opposed to “alternative facts”) that Riyadh is the problem when it comes to Sunni extremism.

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