Krugman Rips Trump, John Kelly, John Taylor: ‘See? I Made A Joke!’

“But we are living in the age of Trumpal infallibility: We are ruled by men who never admit error, never apologize and, crucially, never learn from their mistakes. Needless to say, men who think admitting error makes you look weak just keep making bigger mistakes; delusions of infallibility eventually lead to disaster, and one can only hope that the disasters ahead don’t bring catastrophe for all of us.”

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Univ. Of Florida President: Taxpayers Just Spent The Equivalent Of 100 Tuitions To Subsidize Hate Speech

“At UF, which had nearly 1,000 state and local law-enforcement officers on campus on Thursday, the tab exceeded $600,000, the equivalent of nearly 100 students’ annual tuition. In effect, taxpayers heavily subsidized racist speech rather than education or research.”

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