“Here Today, Gone Tomorrow,” One Trader Indicts A “Sheep-Like, Cynical” Market

“Last week it was, U.S. is cratering, the legislative agenda is dead, China is tightening at a dangerous rate and Brazil will take down the emerging market complex. So far today, and it’s only Monday, global growth is accelerating, corporate profits are great, China knows exactly when to ease off the decelerator, PMIs are a source of strength not worry.”

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North Korea Decides Now’s As Good A Time As Any To Launch Another Missile

No one should be surprised by this. Pyongyang is hell-bent on staying in the spotlight and Trump’s jaunt across the Mideast threatens to shift the focus away from the North/South tensions. So you know, some sabers needed to be rattled. They’re probably also intent on testing the mettle of new South Korean President Moon Jae-in.

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