Carnage In Cryptocurrencies: South Korea Exchange Raids, Trading Ban Prove Governments Are Serious

As one derivatives trader we spoke with back in November put it, “almost everyone needs an exchange.” When you shutter these exchanges or worse, if governments were to make convertibility into dollars, yen, euros (or whatever) illegal, this whole thing would go “poof!” overnight.

‘American Carnage’: 5 Real Problems In An Otherwise False Narrative

As this year melts into next, we thought we’d revisit five key problems the country faces for readers who have a keen interest in the extent to which America, while not the barren, bone-strewn wasteland imagined in Donald Trump’s inauguration speech, does have a set of rather serious issues it needs to address in 2018.

‘That’s The Dumbest Thing He’s Said All Year’: Trump Issues Twitter Challenge To The Weather

On Thursday evening, Donald Trump issued a challenge to one of his political rivals on Twitter.

That wouldn’t be news in and of itself since he does it all the time, but this particular Quixotic endeavor was noteworthy because the windmill at which he is tilting isn’t a human being.