‘America’ Leaves Package Of Literal Horse Shit On Steve Mnuchin’s Bel Air Driveway

All us to excerpt a few passages from a previous post on the way to setting up what is a truly amusing Christmas story out of Bel-Air.

Here’s the setup:

If you’re like everyone else in America, you’ve got some questions for Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin.

For instance, you might ask him the following: why in God’s name would you let a picture of yourself holding up a sheet of actual dollar bills bearing your actual signature escape onto Twitter right in the middle of an extraordinarily contentious debate about a GOP tax plan that some claim disproportionately benefits the rich?

And further, why would you invite Louise Linton into that picture given that just two months ago, she created a PR nightmare after first tagging Hermes, Roland Mouret, Tom Ford and Valentino in a picture of herself stepping off a plane and then proceeding to go full-Marie Antoinette on a member of America’s rapidly expanding peasant class who dared to suggest that taxpayer dollars might have subsidized the jet.

Finally, even if you were inclined to ignore the obviously bad optics and invite Louise Linton into the picture (because you know, commemorating the moment when your actual name first appeared on actual money is important and those visuals make for great oil paintings that can be framed in gold and hung in your marital bedroom), why would you not gently suggest that she not strike the most nefarious pose imaginable?


Well given that rather unfortunate visual which quickly became an internet meme and given the fact (because that’s what it is) that the GOP tax plan disproportionately benefits the rich at the literal expense of the middle class and low income Americans (by 2027 they’ll actually see their taxes go up), it should come as no surprise that some folks aren’t in the Christmas spirit this year vis-a-vis Steve Mnuchin.

But instead of sending Steve the traditional lump of coal, someone decided that a package of horse shit was more appropriate. Here’s KTLA:

Someone sent a package wrapped in holiday gift paper and filled with horse manure that was addressed to United States Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and placed on a street in Bel-Air, the Los Angeles Police Department said Saturday evening.

The package was reported to police after it was discovered in the 900 block of Bel-Air Road, LAPD officials said.

LAPD Sgt. R. Briggs described the contents of the package to be horse feces.

It was initially said to be a suspicious package but officials later said its contents were not a threat.

Police did not release further information about the package.

Hilariously, the bomb squad was initially called to the scene. “Police were called at 7:30 p.m. PT about a suspicious package left in the driveway next to Mnuchin’s home, but addressed to the treasury secretary [and] the bomb squad was immediately summoned to check on the package — only to discover it was manure,” ABC reports, adding that “the package was signed as being from the American people.”

Yep. I’d say this tax plan is going over really well with the public, wouldn’t you?

I guess it’s better than a horse head.

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