Is “Vive La France” The Rallying Cry That Gets Oil To $70? One Bank Thinks So

“Should a synchronous recovery take hold, we believe dollar weakness would be bullish for USD oil prices. While micro supply/demand fundamental oil balances still point to higher oil this summer, oil could soon sing “Vive la France”. We retain our $70/bbl end-of-June target for Brent.”

Presenting The Syria Chemical Weapons “Kill Chain”

“Based on information released by the U.N., the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), nongovernmental organizations, and the U.S. and European governments, it is possible to construct a picture of the Syrian government’s entire chain of command involved in the research, production, weaponization, planning, and delivery of chemical weapons.”

Car-mageddon: Your Complete Guide To A Bursting American Auto Bubble

“There are a number of negative implications from what we’re observing, including rising negative equity in new car loans, lengthening ownership cycles, tightening credit, and potential for deteriorating mix/pricing (And we see risk of continued deterioration as used vehicle prices remain under pressure, and new vehicle inventories remain elevated).”