“They Put Out An All-Points Bulletin” – A Political Bombshell Lost In The Real-Life Bombshells

“The intelligence source told me that he knows, “from talking to people in the intelligence community,” that “the White House said, ‘We are going to mobilize to find something to justify the President’s tweet that he was being surveilled.’ They put out an all-points bulletin”—a call to sift through intelligence reports—“and said, ‘We need to find something that justifies the President’s crazy tweet about surveillance at Trump Tower.’ And I’m telling you there is no way you get that from those transcripts, which are about as plain vanilla as can be.”

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“This Man Is Dangerous” – Liz Warren On Trump, The Street’s “Fearless Girl” & Why Clinton Lost

“I don’t know; I don’t know, and it’s again, we are where we are,” she says. “Donald Trump has only been here, not even 100 days yet — God, it’s like dog years or something, it feels like so much has gone on. We’ve got to get focused on what we’re going to do in the next week, in the next month. This man is truly dangerous.”

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