Trump Goes Full-Autocrat: “I’m Absolutely Looking At Breaking Up 9th Circuit”

Oh, dear God. So remember all those times we warned that Donald Trump seemed like he might eventually move to try and break up the 9th Circuit? For instance, here's what we said late last month: As documented extensively in these pages and exhaustively everywhere else, Donald Trump’s verbal attacks on the federal judges who dared to block his Executive Order(s) represent an existential threat to our system of governance. And in case the danger wasn’t “clear and present” enough, Trump dr

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One thought on “Trump Goes Full-Autocrat: “I’m Absolutely Looking At Breaking Up 9th Circuit”

  1. On what grounds and in what process would such a thing be accomplished? Is this one of Bannon’s ideas? I don’t even know where to begin my research to find the answer to this question… does he expect to do this? Anyone know?

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