Here Are The 5 Most Important Questions In US Politics

Are you confused about the political outlook in Washington? Yeah? Well, that's ok because believe me, everyone in Washington is confused too. At a certain level, it's nice to see Donald Trump deviating from what we might call "Steve Bannon's Four-Year Plan To Destroy Western Democracy," but then again, a series of hilarious policy flip-flops has left many observers wondering if maybe the President has simply decided to adopt the standard politician playbook in an effort to resurrect his plung

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5 thoughts on “Here Are The 5 Most Important Questions In US Politics

  1. RE: “As it turns out, it’s better for one’s poll numbers to just go ahead and break batshit-crazy campaign promises than to persist in pushing an agenda that’s impossible to implement.”

    President Trump has consistently been a pragmatic negotiator and not committed to any ideological theory (including the Democrat leftist remnants of Marxist slogans, nor the Republican Right or even its Middle). Goldman: “Our expectation is that the White House might NEED to commit to not unilaterally withdraw funding for these subsidies, reversing President Trump’s recent suggestion he might do so.”
    I wonder if the Heisenberg’s term “batshit-crazy” is a way of recognizing the President’s effective strategy while pragmatically maintaining the Heisenberg’s poll numbers among his colleagues and readers.

    1. Maybe I am a little puzzled by your overuse of the word pragmatic or just don’t agree it is being used properly. I really want to question that I perceive your comment on “bat-shit crazy” being Trump’s “effective strategy” as opposed to a more popular opinion being that it is a flimsy excuse for incredible outright lies and empty promises and meaningless commitments….kinda like “all’s fair in love and war” changed to be “all’s fair in love and war and campaigning for president”?

      Trump is a con, a grifter and has no place in the Office of the President of the United States of America. Oh, and one more valid point, he used to be a Democrat and got nowhere with that so he changed to Republican and they were blind to his real self and put him in office, only thanks to the Electoral College because the majority of Americans saw him for what he is, a con man.

  2. No 3LbBrain, I think “batshit-crazy” pretty much covers Trump’s campaign promises. Along with “epic fail”, perhaps.

    Tax reform – fail
    Repeal Obamacare – fail
    Start and “Win” trade war w/China – fail + fail
    Destroy ISIS – fail
    Muslim ban – fail
    Infrastructure spending – fail
    Dismantle NATO – fail
    Make America Great Again – fail

    The things he’s succeeded at so far are: (A) On track to spend more taxpayer money on personal travel in one year than Obama did in 8 years (B) Golfing a lot (another thing he continually scolded Obama for) (C) Enriching himself and his family at taxpayer expense through backroom trademark deals with China’s Xi (D) Doubling membership fees to Mar-A-Lago (E) pissing through an entire year’s budget of the Palm Beach County Sherriff’s Dept (F) Ruining 8 businesses at Lantana Airport, which has been effectively shut down by the Secret Service due to its proximity to Palm Beach.

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