China Said To Halt Buying Of US Agricultural Products As Trade Tensions Spiral

As markets rushed to digest the offshore yuan's sudden lurch through the closely-watched 7 threshold (which, until Monday, was seen as something of a line in the sand), yet another foreboding headline crossed. According to the ubiquitous "people familiar with the matter", China has instructed state-owned buyers to halt imports of US agricultural products. Clearly, that's another sign that Beijing is set to retaliate early and often after Donald Trump ratcheted up the trade tensions last week w

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11 thoughts on “China Said To Halt Buying Of US Agricultural Products As Trade Tensions Spiral

  1. I guess they are going to starve or buy from Russia or another one of Earth’s breadbaskets… Let’s see how easy it is for them to replace a large supplier like the U.S.A. can’t see their Regime lasting that long unless they have stockpiles in place already to meet the demands of their population.

    1. China has the second largest GDP on Earth. It is not some food-dependent vassal of the United States. They have multiple options. They could pay a premium for domestic production. They could import from Brazil, Canada, Ukraine, etc. They could convert production from land leased in Africa. Once those options are utilized, it will be difficult to recreate trade ties to American farmers. Who will they now export to?

      1. That’s too bad let China pay more for their Food products. We don’t need their junk bring tge jobs back home! Rust Belt states real estate will rise like a Phoenix once the factories reopen this time for good! Real Estate is dirt cheap in areas where factories closed due to job exportation. To hell with China

  2. Trump has gone too far with China. He has attempted to bully them like he has done Mexico – no respect. Plus the things he is asking for they cannot give – they will not level the playing field. Looks like they have chosen to wait it out through the next election. Maybe they will start meddling in our election against Trump.

      1. I sincerely hope some of that Midwestern real estate doesn’t come with the Brooklyn Bridge attached…

        If the yuan sinks to 7.25, mayhaps you can also buy a whaling fleet and a buggy factory.

  3. Even with tariffs, which US consumers pay of course, it’s gonna be hard to close the manufacturing wage gap US/China. Chinese factory workers earn less than $4/hr US. Hope the rust belt can find workers willing to work for those kind of wages. Right now burger flippers and home health aids earn more. US would have to close country to imports or raise tariffs even higher to compete. At that point maybe India would develop a bigger manufacturing base – their workers get paid less than China’s and they’ve got plenty who’d like to work.

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