Two More Top Lawyers Turn Down Trump On Mueller Probe Offer

Listen, all the top lawyers in America want to represent Donald Trump, ok? That should be obvious.

Because everyone knows that the best kind of client is one who won’t listen to a thing you say, who habitually implicates himself on Twitter in the crimes he’s ostensibly being investigated for, and who you can’t really argue with because despite being a moron, he’s the most powerful man on the face of the planet.

Additionally, every lawyer wants to take cases that are losers and that will pit them against a veritable dream team of prosecutors who have multiple cooperating witnesses, have conducted countless interviews with potential accomplices, and who know God only knows how much about God only knows what. Those are “tremendous” cases.


Finally, every lawyer wants the chance to end up like Don McGahn – that is, having to tell the President of the United States that you’re thinking of quitting because he’s trying to fire a special counsel investigating his campaign for possibly colluding with a hostile foreign power to subvert America’s democracy. Ideally, you end up getting yourself wrapped up in things by stumbling into a situation where you’re hearing all kinds of shit you probably don’t want to hear about firing FBI directors and compelling attorney generals not to recuse themselves from ongoing investigations.

All of that is super compelling, which is why John Dowd resigned last week and why McGahn is reportedly itching to extricate himself from what’s turned into an outright horror show in the Oval Office. And then there’s Joe diGenova who was reportedly all set to parrot Trump’s conspiracy theories and then all of the sudden wasn’t hired. More on that here.

But again, Trump is a great client and as he patiently shrieked on Twitter over the weekend ahead of the diGenova news, “many top lawyers and law firms want to represent me in the Russia case… fame & fortune will NEVER be turned down by a lawyer.”

Yes, no one would will EVER turn down the “fame & fortune” that would come with representing Trump against Mueller. No one except John Dowd. And Joe diGenova. And now Tom Buchanan and Dan Webb. Here’s The Daily Beast:

Two more high-power attorneys have had to turn down President Donald Trump. Tom Buchanan and Dan Webb confirmed to The Daily Beast that Trump reached out to them about representing him, and that they couldn’t do it.

“President Trump reached out to Dan Webb and Tom Buchanan to provide legal representation,” they said in a statement. “They were unable to take on the representation due to business conflicts. However they consider the opportunity to represent the President to be the highest honor and they sincerely regret that they cannot do so. They wish the president the best and believe he has excellent representation in Ty Cobb and Jay Sekulow.”

Buchanan is a partner at the firm Winston & Strawn, in its Washington office. Webb is the firm’s co-executive chairman, based in Chicago, according to the firm’s website.

And here’s WaPo:

A prominent Chicago defense attorney said Monday that he had declined an invitation to lead President Trump’s legal team responding to special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s Russia investigation, underscoring the president’s difficulty in attracting top legal talent to represent him in the probe.

Dan K. Webb, a Republican, is a former U.S. attorney for Illinois and a corporate and white-collar-defense lawyer for the firm Winston and Strawn.

In a statement, his firm said the president and his team recently reached out to Webb and D.C.-based partner Tom Buchanan.

What else can we say?…


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4 thoughts on “Two More Top Lawyers Turn Down Trump On Mueller Probe Offer

  1. Highly skilled and ethical lawyers, let alone good lawyers,
    shy away from clients tending to possess just several of these

    1. A client who thinks he is a lawyer and who insists on telling the lawyer what to do.

    2. A client who is uncontrollable, addresses the public about the merits,
    and speaks to countless non-lawyers about the case making them witnesses.

    3. A client who has severe mental and psychological disorders who
    will not take advice and interferes with the proper handling of the case.

    4. A client who is a pathological liar and has great difficulty with thinking
    past the present moment.

    5. A client known as a “screamer,” who cannot be trusted, has no manners,
    no ethics, plays games, has a sadistic streak, and toys with the people.

    6. A client who tampers with witnesses, attacks the investigators
    and prosecutors, and seeks to obstruct the investigation against him.

    7. A client that takes strategic and legal advice from others sources,
    to include TV talking heads, without advising the lawyer.

    Prior to 2017, it would be hard to “imagine” a client that possesses all of these
    constituent factors and then Trump came along.
    He appears to be all of the above and more.

    Will there a law firm or lawyers that will take the lead for Trump?
    Sure. This is America. You can find a lawyer to take a shot even
    under these conditions. Will it be amongst the highly skilled and
    ethical lawyers? Is that rhetorical?

  2. Since trump can’t get the best lawyers, he will be taken down for sure by the special prosecutor.

    His presidency is finished.

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