Hellz Yeah! European Stocks Explode, US Set To Rally As Market Celebrates Macron

The final tally was Macron 23.75%, Le Pen 21.53% and to say markets are relieved would be an understatement. One peculiar thing is that it seems completely lost on everyone that Marine Le Pen did indeed make the second round. So it's not exactly like populism just fell flat in Sunday's vote. Rather, the enthusiasm seems to stem from the fact that polling is "great again." Apparently, Brexit and Trump didn't completely antiquate the pollsters and their methods and if that holds, then Macron will

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One thought on “Hellz Yeah! European Stocks Explode, US Set To Rally As Market Celebrates Macron

  1. Macron is walking into a terrible situation because the ECB is propping up more companies now than ever before (which is quite a statement). This guy (he will probably win) when more sh*t happens will take the fall and guess who will be waiting in the wings. I hope that doesn’t happen but France’s problems aren’t going away with this one election. Folks this Debt thing is not going away one of these times the pump will Not get primed.