More Trouble In Used Car Land: Prices Drop Most Since Crisis Sparking Deflation Worries
“We’ve grown increasingly concerned about U.S. Used Vehicle Pricing down 7.7% yoy during February, per NADA. A decline in used prices has been widely anticipated given a significant increase in used vehicle supply (off-lease vehicles). But the magnitude of the recent drop was nonetheless surprising (February’s drop was largest recorded for any month since Nov. 2008).”
Monday Humor: “Tired Of Winning”
He always said we’d get sick of winning…
Credit Suisse Says Buy It All, Raises Target For S&P 500 (And Everything Else)
“In this report, following the reaching of our mid-year S&P 500 target, we raise both our mid-year and year-end S&P targets to 2,400 and 2,500, respectively (from 2,350 and 2,300). “
“Politics Vs. Policy”: Deutsche Bank’s Resident Genius Warns Of “Binary Outcomes”
“Depending on the interplay of politics and policy — degree of political resolve and the Fed actions — we could see two distinct paths of resolution of the existing tensions in the mid- or long-run. “
Currency That Can “No Longer Fall On Bad News” Falls On Bad News
Well, we don’t want to rub it in or anything, but we’d probably be remiss
One Trader Wants To Know Why You’re Still Short Sterling; Goldman Answers
“When will the doom-mongers just admit they were wrong, rather than constantly revising their Armageddon dates? “
It’s Quiet Out There: G-20 Leaves Markets Feeling “Damp And Grey”
It feels quiet out there. Maybe a little too quiet. There’s plenty of G-20 banter
Key Calls (Monday): Upgrades, Downgrades & Initiations
Are your stocks on the list?
Something To Ponder On A Sunday Night
Castles in the sky?
4 Days Later: Previewing The Week Ahead
Well, it’s Sunday which, at last check, means tomorrow will be Monday and that means a
There’s Trouble In Used Car Land
As regular readers are no doubt aware, we’ve been pretty keen on documenting the bubble
These Are The Fed’s Options To Avoid Another Taper Tantrum
” The 2013 “taper tantrum†also provides a reminder that the impact of balance sheet policy on financial conditions is uncertain and could be larger than our baseline estimate. We doubt the impact would be as large today—in 2013 markets misunderstood tapering as implying earlier rate hikes, whereas today markets would likely view earlier tapering as implying later hikes— but the risk is worth considering”
Study: Immigrants Commit Far Less Crime Than US-Born Citizens
“All immigrants are less likely to be incarcerated than natives relative to their shares of the population.”
Chart Check: Spot The Odd One Out
We’re going to pound the table, beat dead horses, shout from the rooftops, the whole
New Poll: Most Of America’s Youth See Trump As “Illegitimate” President
You can’t be saying that (if) you’re the president. That’s from Anderson, a 21-year-old student from
Reliving Two Of Fox & Friends’ Greatest Achievements In Bigotry
One of the more amusing stories last week (well, I guess it’s technically still “this” week,
Deutsche Bank: “The Probability Of A Negative Shock Is High”
In case you needed a reminder of just how long it’s been since this market
Sunday Humor? “One Good Reason To Hike Rates Is That It Makes It Easier To Cut Rates”
Boy, oh boy. We’ve really had to recalibrate the way we think about things in
Trump Releases Guidelines For Mexico Border Wall – Hilarity Ensues
Meanwhile, from the “full-retard” files… The Trump Administration thinks it’s high time we get started
Pray For Poor Data So Janet Yellen Can “Keep This Party Going”
“In our view, for the cycle to last another several years, we want to see more of the same – a continued environment of ‘ok’ growth and low inflation, which allows central banks to keep the party going.”
Central Banks Have “Learned A Lesson”: “Silence Is Golden”
There’s been no shortage of speculation about whether the Fed “got what it wanted” out
One Chart & One Question For High Yield Longs
If you’re still hanging onto high yield after the third largest weekly exodus in history
Saturday Humor (“A ‘Retarded’ Culture”)
“But, I have nothing against Muslims”…
“Young People Are In Revolt”: Le Pen Dupes 40% Of France’s Youth
“Young people are in revolt,†says Ms Dieulafait. “We have had 50 years of right and left, and look at the millions of us that are unemployed, living in poverty, without stable jobs or housing . . . it’s time for a change in the system, it’s time for Marine.â€
Here’s Where Demand For Stocks Will Come From In 2017
It’s been no secret that the bid for equities in 2017 has been largely attributable
Before And After: About Those “Consensus” Trades
Ever since oil took a dive last week as the market suddenly decided it was time
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