Obamacare Repeal May Be More Complex Than Taking Away Poor People’s iPhones, Goldman Reckons

For the enterprising among you and/or for all the poor people out there who, thanks to the above-mentioned Jason Chaffetz, are now trying to figure out whether to trade in that goddamn iPhone for a WalMart pre-paid, Goldman has a handy table for you and some accompanying color…

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The “Deep State”: Why Trump’s Conspiracy Theory Is Both Bullsh*t And Dangerous

“Turkish experts will tell you that discussion of the “deep state” flourishes in a climate of conspiracy and political polarization. It encourages the public to doubt the pillars of civil society — from the judiciary to the press — and take shelter in the shadow of a populist leader. That’s where the parallels to American politics in the age of Trump start to become all too real.”

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Trump To Fed: “Bow Down To Caesar” Or Risk “Horrifying Misstep”

“The institutional threats they face make the thought of any misstep horrifying. With all of the sniping from other parts of Washington and the looming new appointments, they understand the need to be the perfect Caesar’s wife. A lot to ask as they disengage the policy auto-pilot of the last eight years.”

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