‘Head On A Pike’: Let’s Drop The Charade. Trump Physically Threatens People All The Time.

“I don’t like to spend a lot of time on the president”, Nancy Pelosi sighed, on January 12, asked by ABC’s George Stephanopoulos about Donald Trump’s “Crazy Nancy” tweets. “Everything he says about someone else is a projection”, she added.

Suffice to say the president was doing some more “projecting” on Sunday via the presidential Twitter feed, home to hundreds upon hundreds of manic tweets and retweets over the past 72 hours.

“Shifty Adam Schiff is a CORRUPT POLITICIAN, and probably a very sick man”, Trump declared. “He has not paid the price, yet, for what he has done to our Country!”

You might be inclined to call that a threat.

And you’ll note it’s not the first time Trump has threatened Schiff. Back in September, the president polled his 65 million Twitter followers on whether the House Intelligence chair should be “arrested for treason”. One historical penalty for treason is death, something Trump has emphasized on too many occasions to count at rallies and during other public remarks over the past three years.

Schiff has come under fire over the last two days for imploring GOP senators to muster some courage in the face of what one report claimed is a standing threat from the White House that any Republicans who vote against the president will have their “heads on a pike”.

On Sunday, he chatted with Chuck Todd about the whole thing.


“Look at the president’s tweets about me today saying I should pay a price”, he said, drawing attention to Trump’s balderdash on the off chance anyone had missed it amid the deluge of other tweets the president sent Sunday.

“Do you take that as a threat?”, Todd wondered.

“I think it is intended to be”, Schiff responded.

Irrespective of your own political leanings or penchant for reveling in America’s experiment in soft autocracy, it’s important that everyone (especially lawmakers) drop the charade. That is, if you’re fine with the president threatening sitting members of Congress, then just say so. But there’s no sense in trying to explain this away.

Trump was caught on tape (and on video) in September suggesting that people in his administration should be executed as spies.

Last summer, he repeatedly suggested Ilhan Omar should be forcibly deported to Somalia. (“She hates Jews and loves al-Qaeda”, Trump actually said, at a press conference.)

And if you’re inclined to insist it’s ridiculous for anyone to claim the “head on a pike” bit should be taken seriously, we would gently remind you that last year, Trump’s campaign made an estimated $250,000 selling T-shirts depicting Schiff’s head impaled on a pencil:

They were billed as a bargain at “just” $28.

Nothing further.


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10 thoughts on “‘Head On A Pike’: Let’s Drop The Charade. Trump Physically Threatens People All The Time.

  1. The elephant in the room, as I see it, is ALL of the Republican Senators know absolutely that Trump should be kicked out and all 53 Senators, so far, are toeing the party line. What is being held over their heads that they are so afraid of?? The fact that they seem to be volunteering to be complicit in this sham trial will not be lost in history. I would think that there must be a bunch of investigative authors dying to come out with a book or movie on the truth.

      1. It’s not just Russian money – it’s our own money. The R’s got their tax cuts which were a huge gift to the wealthy donors to the GOP. Our deficit and national debt are exploding. The US is borrowing to line the pockets of the wealthy.
        This isn’t new, it’s just now blatantly worse

  2. Entertaining. This is exactly what the Dems did in the house. All along party lines, selective evidence (twisted and weak as it was….really, paraphrasing someone else’s quote?…). Dems want their cake and to eat it to. It’s fair to follow the same rules Clinton had. Why not? My other half helped write those rules and now even she wants a different set of rules for Trump. I don’t agree with a lot of Trumps antics but if you want to win seems as though you must at least appear to be fair. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Otherwise you will ignite a flame to incentivize those Trump supporters to vote. You think the younger population will have a high voter turnout? Dems can be so impractical without much common sense. I said the same thing in 2016 all while having to be a flower on the arm at Hillary rallies.

    1. “twisted and weak”?

      Is that a serious remark? the evidence was irrefutable and it came from a dozen current and former officials, including Gordon Sondland, a Trump donor who gave the president $1 million and said, quote, “Was there a quid pro quo? Yes”.

      Your comments consistently (pretty much every, single one of them) betray an inability (or, far more likely, an unwillingness) to engage with the truth and with reality more generally. There is no question about what happened here. None. The only question is whether the GOP is prepared to subjugate democracy to the whims of a D-list reality TV show host who has successfully chipped away at the country’s checks and balances.

      How anyone can question the evidence here is beyond me. It is irrefutable.

      1. Exactly. The suspension of disbelief exercised by supporters of this clown is a sight to behold. What’s even more baffling is how ineffective the “checks and balances” have been so far to bring him to book. Dark times.

    2. Think about how much the Republican Party’s complete and utter corruption is taken for granted and normalized by America: Americans aren’t hoping that evidence of Trump’s obvious guilt would motivate 20 Republicans to convict and remove him, America is only hoping that as much as 4 of them will even allow any witnesses to testify or that any evidence be introduced.

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