‘No More Obama!’ Trump Threatens To ‘Obliterate’ Iran After Rouhani Calls Him Mentally Handicapped

On Tuesday, Iran called Donald Trump a mentally incapacitated liar. I wish there was a different way to put that because it's tone-deaf, not politically correct and highly insensitive. But, read the following direct quote from Hassan Rouhani and tell me how you would summarize it in one sentence: You say let’s talk and then you sanction the foreign minister. This clearly shows that you’re lying. The White House is afflicted by mental retardation. Rouhani also called Trump's decision to sa

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12 thoughts on “‘No More Obama!’ Trump Threatens To ‘Obliterate’ Iran After Rouhani Calls Him Mentally Handicapped

  1. Does it bother anyone else how T rump conducts international diplomacy with name calling tirades…..he is such an em’bareass’ment.

    1. Have we been given any compelling evidence that Iran was behind the bombing of the oil tankers? Have we seen any evidence that our drone didn’t violate Iranian airspace?

      At this point, I’m not entirely convinced that the Iranians have “poked the bear”. It could just have easily been another actor in the Middle East that bombed those tankers and set this into motion. The Saudis would certainly benefit from an escalation in tensions between the US and Iran and it wouldn’t be entirely out of character for Mr. BoneSaw (MBS) to order something like this.

        1. Sure it does. America is existentially blighted with a megalomaniacal asshole grifter and Babyman mirror whore: he’s a DSM5-infested racketeer and, though not mentally retarded, is certainly very mentally ill. Scummo and his trumpFilth GOPer goose-steppers love the “straight talk” blather – so why shouldn’t heads of other countries jam the same epithetical aggression right back up his lazy poltroon lard ass?

  2. Maybe Iran is engaging in the Pyongyang School of American Foreign Policy. Engage in a Twitter beef with the dotard, send him a big, beautiful letter to assuage his fee-fees, arrange a personal meet and greet dangling the chance for Trump to get Establishment press love and a Nobel, promise nothing, commit Trump to express his undying love for Tehran and the Ayatollahs, and then do everything the same way and get Trump to undercut his own Administration.

  3. Hey Mitch. It’s not too late to step in and stop the madness. But it may be soon. So you hate America so much you’re willing to have him flush it down the toilet while you stand there and watch it happen.

  4. If a drone was over my air space, I would probably shoot it down too. They are each trying to see what they can get away with.

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