Trump Tells China To ‘Stop Playing Around’, Says 2 Big Caravans Have ‘Broke Into Mexico’
Donald Trump decided Monday might be a good day to take some time away from tweeting and feuding to honor Martin Luther King, Jr.
And by "some time" I actually mean two minutes. Literally.
That's how long Trump spent at Dr. King's Memorial, where he and that mannequin we all call "Mike Pence" laid a wreath at the base of the sculpture, but not because Trump wanted to - rather because he was facing criticism for releasing a schedule that didn't appear to indicate he even knew it was a
garbage article, just more of your sarcasm, nothing new.
You must be new here. Welcome to a world of endless sarcasm, all of which is specifically designed to get on your nerves at all hours of the day, everyday.
How about throwing in some useful info to break up the monotonous rants and raves !
speaking of rants and raves, assface stood almost still at MLK statue for 120 seconds yesterday! I almost thought he was dead. damn.
Nah, sunnydog.jj, Heis has nailed it as usual. It is your perspective that is suffering.
Sunny, do note that it’s not Heisenberg who’s ranting and raving. He’s just commenting on some of Trumps more outlandish rants and raves.
The sarcasm is what we are here for. Plus the economic color, which is some of the best around.
patriotic Pterosaurs! thats awesome!
Mr. Sarcasm, you must be suffering….The Truth hurts, and you have a wholelottatrouble finding it.!…..Now, have at it sycophants !
P.S. , My mistake, I thought this was a financial site, now I know what you are.
omg you even write like assface does
You, sir are a foul-mouthed little sycophant….P.S. What do you wear on halloween?….let me guess, our face looks like that you are referring to, i.e., no mask necessary….A scary thought indeed !!….enough already.
correction:your face, I was typing too fast.
that’s not your only error — and you still just don’t get it. Oh, I almost forgot something: Fuck You.
Guess the filter isn’t working !! …..have another whiskey, genius.
Well, crap. Now I’m bored again. bye bye ðŸ˜
Can’t get rid of that idiot soon enough. It may take years to undo the damage. If ever.