Out Of The Frying Pan, Into The Fire: Full Week Ahead Preview
First thing's first: according to Steve Mnuchin, the trade war has been put "on hold" following constructive talks in Washington last week that culminated in a warm and fuzzy joint statement released over the weekend.
Apparently, China is going to try and pacify Trump although for now, the "deal" is short on specifics and long on the conciliatory rhetoric. Regardless, that's probably good enough for markets to the extent it's seen as a meaningful improvement compared to where things stood earl
The madness of King Don. After sixty years of rein, we will declare him “a good King”. At least on tee vee.
Tonight I’m watching a moose that I think is about to drop a calf. Yesterday eleven sand hill cranes cavorting in the yard. So glad for these real life distractions. All of this political cacophony is starting to get to me.