‘This Is Deeper Than Politics’: Steve Bannon Defends Roy Moore

You know, sometimes I don't even know what to say about the current state of American politics, because at this point, it's devolved into something that is almost indistinguishable from a reality television show. And I don't just mean Trump - who is of course an actual reality TV show icon and who has done everything in his power to recast the White House in the image of The Apprentice. The landscape gets more cartoonish by the day and the whole thing has a kind of self-fulfilling character to

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6 thoughts on “‘This Is Deeper Than Politics’: Steve Bannon Defends Roy Moore

  1. Bannon pretends to be important. He is about as low-life as a human can be and still walk on 2 legs. He not only completely supports the pedophile Moore and does not care what kind of a person Moore is, EXACTLY LIKE his support of trump — they are all total scum of the earth. It pisses me off at the millions of people who still voted for trump when there are more than a dozen women who stand firm in their accusations against him for sexual assault! Outrageous that American citizens would ignore this complete lack of moral character and seat him in the WhiteHouse. What the hell is wrong with you people? There is simply no way you believe all these women are lying! Here, read this, every single one of them and their story is right here:


    And from Newsweek, published yesterday!

    Either your lack of attention or lack of integrity will allow this behavior to continue!

    1. And America should be ashamed and embarrassed. This could be the beginning of the end of the American Empire. Voting for Trump and then allowing him to continue in office despite being frighteningly deranged, is starting to look like an act of mass suicide on the part of Americans (or at least the GOP).

  2. The oldest dirty trick in the Swamp Creature Survival Guide is to allege some sort of sexual misconduct shortly before the critical election date. Nicely played, once again. Forgive me if I appear indifferent to your feigned outrage over an unprovable accusation, but I’ve seen this film before.

    And just to show you how hypocritical everyone really is, I am reminded of the famous words of James Carville back when he was defending then president Clinton from a series of sexual misconduct allegations, “When you drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park you never know what you will find”. Where was the outrage back then? (Hint, THERE WAS NONE…..)

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