Trump Blasts ‘Rocket Man’, Iran, Pushes Nationalist Propaganda In Orange-Faced U.N. Rant

Ok, so obviously, Trump's U.N. address was a disaster. First of all, the nationalist rhetoric is a road to nowhere. As Xi Jinping conveyed earlier this year, the world should be working towards becoming a human community with a shared destiny. Globalization is inevitable and from a utilitarian perspective, it’s highly desirable. It’s not realistic to believe that we, as human beings, can maximize our collective chance of survival in the universe without relegating nationalist tendencies

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11 thoughts on “Trump Blasts ‘Rocket Man’, Iran, Pushes Nationalist Propaganda In Orange-Faced U.N. Rant

  1. You are so right! Katie bar the door. We are painting ourselves into a corner with rhetoric that is further alienating us from all the countries in the world (except Israel). I guess we better increase that military budget. We are going to need it.

  2. How long will the US and world suffer this man’s embarrassing insanity and resulting incompetency to perform the tasks required by the Office of President? Is the Republican Party so dense as to think that history will not paint them with the same tar brush of incompetence as Trump in their self-serving failure to remove him from office?

  3. on the Hezbollah thing, the reason these lies are so egregious is that you don’t have to lie.

    there’s nothing that says you can’t acknowledge the threat that Hezbollah clearly represents both to Israel and the region in general but *also* acknowledge the fact that comparing Hezbollah to ISIS and al-Qaeda (which is what he’s doing) is not only absurd because it ignores the ideological divide (Sunni-Shiite) but also because it lets Saudi Arabia off the hook for sponsoring Sunni extremism and then on top of that, it makes stupid people think that Shiites are the ones running over people with box trucks in Western capitals.

    Hezbollah represents an entirely different kind of threat that more approximates a state-actor acting on behalf of another, more powerful state actor (Iran). They have a pretty clearly-defined set of goals and objectives that are nefarious in their own right (especially with regard to Israel), but most certainly do *not* include running around Paris with Kalashnikovs.

  4. we are on deep trouble…as Mueller gets closer, Trump gets closer to war w NK…of course with a war he can call off Mueller for National Security reasons..

  5. and the markets, at least the major equity indices, continue to climb up

    this is getting truly insane…everything is backwards or upside down in a house of mirrors

  6. Interesting article, it helped me to nail down a few things concerning you.

    Not an American, globalist who happens to live in America due to birth. (puts information in context, making it more useful to me)

    Odd how many think history’s (future) point of view matters to those in office.

    So do you think NK will not attack anyone as long as Trump is nice to him?

    This is an important question; Do you think NK is not a client state of China?

    Do you honestly believe NK and China can be bribed into going along with globalist ideals.

    When it concerns ideals you like you don’t seem to be able to separate propaganda from honest intent.
    Quoting Xi Jinping as if he would support a one world government Not ran by the Chinese Communist party.

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