Tragic Irony: How Trump And Le Pen Perpetuate Radical Islam’s Apocalyptic World View
One of the most tragically ironic things about populism anno 2017 is the extent to which it reflects the very same radicalism its adherents claim to be fighting against.
A little over a year ago, ISIS released a slickly produced (and I mean even slicker than usual) propaganda video that played on the notion that the group's fighters would eventually wage an apocalyptic battle with non believers at Dabiq, which the BBC once described as "a dusty backwater."
The village sits around six miles f
H- Well written and very thoughtful piece, the focus of this discussion has to ask the next question. Are these far-right crusaders trying to provoke a response to solidify their perceived power? I wouldn’t put it past any of them especially Trump/Bannon. What better way to enrage enough people to perpetuate what you want, more power, more control? There seems to be a political/religious vacuum of evil in the air right now and people have to stand-up to it or history will have it’s say. Power that has no buffers can get out of control in a hurry as freedoms diminish, fear is a useful tool especially in the wrong hands.