Who’s Ready For The Super-Tremendous ‘Melt-Up’ And The Phenomenal ‘Blowoff’?

“Traders are positioning to chase equities into year-end for a possible rally that the popular press has termed as a ‘melt-up’ or ‘blowoff’ scenario [as] the equity market rally from the 2009 bottom has been the second longest, right after the one preceding the Dot-com crash.”

‘It’s Not An Emperor-Has-No-Clothes Story, But…’ Fed Bank Buster Isn’t Sure About Former Colleagues

“Coming fresh to a place where much of the discourse was accepted or assumed by the very smart economists on the FOMC and the Fed staff helped me to see where some of that received wisdom was not holding-up well in the circumstances we were facing.”

Sheep Logic.

“There’s no domesticated animal species that has had more of a reputational fall from grace than the sheep. To call someone a sheep today is just about the worst insult there is. To call someone a sheep is to call them stupid and — more pointedly — stupidly obedient and in thrall to some bad shepherd.”