The Algo Wars Are Real: Inside The Pentagon’s “Algorithmic-Warfare Team”

“The Team has been assigned to consolidate “existing algorithm-based technology initiatives related to mission areas of the Defense Intelligence Enterprise.” That remit expressly includes “all initiatives that develop, employ, or field artificial intelligence, automation, machine learning, deep learning, and computer vision algorithms.”

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“Fatalistic” Markets Give In To Summer Lull, Crude Chaos, Washington “Horror Show”

“In fact it’s odd how fatalistic people seem to be. We used to furiously debate where and when we’d find the canary in the coal mine warning of an imminent market reversal to pounce on. Now, there seems to be blanket resignation that the trend is your master.”

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We’re Devolving: “It Used To Be That Politics Only Trumped Econ In Emerging Markets – Not Anymore”

“Yet, the chart which struck me as most relevant in the whole thing showed how market response to either Fed or ECB meetings has become calmer and calmer, whereas the response to the three major G7 political events of the last year (and a bit) has been so dramatic.”

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Sally Yates: Hey Jeff Sessions, “There’s A Difference Between A Cartel Boss And A Street Dealer”

“First, it’s fiscally irresponsible and undermines public safety. Since 1980, the U.S. prison population has exploded from 500,000 to more than 2.2 million, resulting in the highest incarceration rate in the world and costing more than $80 billion a year”…

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