Lira Collapses Most Since Coup As Gulen Witch Hunt Triggers Diplomatic Crisis With U.S.

This of course stems directly from Erdogan’s ongoing efforts to bring arch nemesis Fethullah Gulen to “justice.” Pretty much anything that goes wrong for Erdogan gets blamed one of two things: 1) a Kurdish conspiracy, 2) a Gulen-linked conspiracy. This latest spat with Washington is no exception. 

Sheep Logic.

“There’s no domesticated animal species that has had more of a reputational fall from grace than the sheep. To call someone a sheep today is just about the worst insult there is. To call someone a sheep is to call them stupid and — more pointedly — stupidly obedient and in thrall to some bad shepherd.”

Trump To Declare Iran Deal Not In America’s Interests, Setting Stage For Epic Disaster

Let me just be as clear as possible: this is a potentially disastrous decision. He is going to open the door for Iran to resume its nuclear weapons program and indeed, by effectively spitting in the face of all the parties involved in crafting the deal, he is going to further isolate Washington from the rest of the world. 

‘They’re Playing With Fire!’: There’s No Geopolitical Risk Priced Into Oil

“Investors should not interpret this as a sign of quiet trading in the summer and muted price moves ahead. Instead, we view this as a good opportunity to add to their long exposure with cheap optionality, especially with global oil inventories continuing to tighten and geopolitics heating up again.”