Donald Trump (Who Never Grabs ‘Em By The Pussy) Just Wants To Protect Muslim Women

“That Trump, who bragged about forcibly groping women during his reality TV days, would present himself as a protector of women from violence is insidious enough. But from a policy level, Trump’s cynical use of violence against women in his immigration order is even more hypocritical, considering that his administration is reportedly planning to gut the very programs that would assist women who are victims of domestic violence.”

The “Deep State”: Why Trump’s Conspiracy Theory Is Both Bullsh*t And Dangerous

“Turkish experts will tell you that discussion of the “deep state” flourishes in a climate of conspiracy and political polarization. It encourages the public to doubt the pillars of civil society — from the judiciary to the press — and take shelter in the shadow of a populist leader. That’s where the parallels to American politics in the age of Trump start to become all too real.”