One Strategist Compared Hedge Funds To Passive Index Funds: “The Results Were Breathtaking”

“Hedge funds’ returns have started to track the SPX more closely. As that happens, their ability to outperform has collapsed. This makes intuitive sense; there’s no way you can beat an index when you’re paying 2 and 20 on an investment vehicle that largely replicates the return of the index!”

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Car-mageddon: Your Complete Guide To A Bursting American Auto Bubble

“There are a number of negative implications from what we’re observing, including rising negative equity in new car loans, lengthening ownership cycles, tightening credit, and potential for deteriorating mix/pricing (And we see risk of continued deterioration as used vehicle prices remain under pressure, and new vehicle inventories remain elevated).”

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“Hope Versus Reality”: Goldman Illustrates The Trump Trade Fade

“This week the market struggled to readjust its expectations for US government policy following the move away from health care reform. Client conversations make clear that investors fall into two camps: The first group worries that the failure to “repeal and replace” the Affordable Care Act is a sign that other items on the policy agenda are less likely to be enacted than they had hoped. Others are encouraged about the shift in focus to tax reform as the new top priority for the administration.”

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Presenting Your Ultimate Visual Guide To A Long Ass Brexit

To be sure, we’ve all had a long time to prepare for Brexit. So long, in fact, that I no longer have to put the word Brexit in scare quotes. Thanks to the infinite wisdom of Nigel Farage (and a whole bunch of people who, based on Google Trends, didn’t have any idea what the EU was before they voted to leave it), Brexit is now a real proper noun.

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It Would Be Great If You’d Start Using Your Credit Card… Or Would It?

“Whatever the reason, it’s probably a good bet that consumer spending will remain underwhelming until Americans feel more comfortable using their credit cards again. And while that will provide a boost to both activity and bond yields it will also, ironically enough, set the stage for the next recession.”

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“Is There A Problem We’re Not Seeing?” – China’s Banking System Reaches “Tipping Point”

“The market is nervous about the impact. Everyone is wondering, ‘could there be a problem we’re not seeing?’, or ‘will there be some punishment that forces an institution to dump assets? Then banks get cautious and stop offering loans.”

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