Exposed: Trump’s False Populism Laid Bare As White House Releases Finances Of 200 Staffers

Make no mistake folks, this is populism exposed. And it’s not unique to the Trump administration. When you hear these messages from administration officials, from their ideological affiliates in Europe, and from all corners of the Right-wing peanut gallery whether on television or in cyberspace, ask yourself this: “are these people really who they say they are and do they really represent my interests?”

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“I’d Tax Every Benz,” “It’s A Corpse That Still Moves”: Are You Getting The Truth On Trade?

“At the same time, tariffs would weigh on US growth. If we assume that Mexico and China retaliate with equivalent tariffs, this would substantially reduce demand for US exports, depressing US GDP by around 0.7pp by 2019. In fact, tariffs would likely hit US GDP so sharply that the Federal Reserve would be prompted to reduce interest rates to cushion the blow—despite an increase in inflation.”

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