Go Big Or I’ll Tweet!

"STIMULUS! Go big or go home!!!," Donald Trump exclaimed on Tuesday, in a public version of what one imagines are any number of similarly urgent private messages delivered to reluctant Senate Republicans. There was scant evidence to suggest the legislative pathway for a comprehensive virus relief bill was clearing. Although House majority leader Steny Hoyer told MSNBC that both Nancy Pelosi and Steve Mnuchin want a deal, disagreements remain. Apparently, there's common ground on airlines and p

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6 thoughts on “Go Big Or I’ll Tweet!

  1. Well, professional GOP politicians were never that enamoured with Trump. They liked him b/c he delivered votes and b/c he opened their eyes as to how far they can actually go, when it comes to lying and racist dog whistles and hatred of all things Democrat/liberal.

    I’m sure they won’t privately shed too many tears on Trump, even if they cry crocodile rivers on TV.

    But I still don’t understand McConnell calculus. I still flatly refuse to believe that this has anything to do with the budget. GOP politicos have no problems spending like the proverbial drunken sailors when it’s on priorities they happen to like, like foreign wars etc.

    1. Maybe all the people camping in the park near to where I live, the ones who were barely hanging on to a job but and did have a place to live, and now have lost both, are just surplus labor. Perhaps helping these people is just watering a dead tree. Why waste money?

      As the COVID response has shown, on top of being ok with the economy falling into a depression deeper than what we are currently experiencing, they just don’t care…as long as the “Cantillon effect” that applies to corruption (there has to be a named economic theory for this) and disdain for people fills their pockets, they just don’t care.

      1. “Perhaps helping these people is just watering a dead tree. Why waste money?” – to get their votes? Unless they’re all minorities? The White underclass is supposed to be the GOP rank and file…

        “as long as corruption and disdain for people fills their pockets, they just don’t care”. IDK. They seem to care about losing their jobs. Look at Lindsey Graham almost crying on TV when asking for more money for his campaign…

  2. Its as though senate and Trump are trying to throw each under the bus. I think Trump knows the senate won’t approve a large bill, thus making the senate look bad, while he “tries” to push stimulus. The senate is more subtle, basically just not acknowledging that they only care about the longer term impact of another conservative justice and no stimulus will occur if financial mkts areNT in disarray.

    1. And therein lies Pelosi’s reason for not backing off 2.2 trillion. Imagine the hit to unemployment figures when state and local governments can’t pay wages. On the other hand, Capo Trump doesn’t let anyone dis him and go unpunished.

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