One Bad Turn Deserves Another

"Optimism over a stimulus deal" -- that's what the financial media ran with on Thursday to explain the persistent buoyancy seen in global equities. It's not clear why anyone should be optimistic, at least not as it regards a larger relief package aimed at addressing the problem in comprehensive fashion. If Nancy Pelosi and Steve Mnuchin manage to agree on relief for airlines and small businesses, that would be welcome news and could forestall tens of thousands of layoffs. 840,000 Americans fil

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8 thoughts on “One Bad Turn Deserves Another

  1. Minor point of clarification, having slogged through Piketty last year on the advice of a certain H: the rate of return on capital is posed as always exceeding the rate of economic growth (because risk premium, IIRC). The inequality is magnified when ROC exceeds growth by too much for too long.

    Obviously, the present conditions fit this definition and have for some time – so the point stands! I wanted to offer up this little tidbit to confirm my understanding, and perhaps to market “Capital In the 21st Century” to other readers – it’s well worth your time, and it’s now available in overly-simplistic documentary form, though regrettably, it does not feature any flies.

  2. Interesting to read how aggressive criticism towards Trump and his policies has become when he’ll be remembered as the first MMT president in US history, policies which you have so vigorously been defending since the Kevin Muir epiphany.

    As a non-US observer it’s fascinating to see how much attention is given to the man’s words relative to his actions.

    Good article btw.

    1. His actions? How he’ll be remembered? You cannot possibly be serious.

      He’ll be remembered as the single worst leader any developed nation has had since the 1930s. He is a total failure and an absolute disgrace.

      His “actions” include a lunatic effort to build a wall on the southern border, an unfathomably cruel immigration policy, a brazen assassination which, if Iran was in a position to fight, would have led to the worst armed conflict since World War II, the deliberate stoking of civil unrest, the installation of a tax policy that is the legislative embodiment of the word “inequality”, the constant parroting of racist dog-whistles, attempting to blackmail a foreign country on the way to getting himself impeached, and bungling a pandemic response on the way to presiding over 210,000 lost American lives.

        1. I mean, give me break. Seriously. Intelligent, educated people are tired of this song and dance after three years. It’s exhausting to have to pretend like this isn’t what it is for the sake of not being accused of “anti-Trump bias.” I’m not “anti-Trump.” But I do have eyes and ears, which is all one needs at this point. When is enough enough? Ever? Day after day, week after week, month after month, Trump does what he does and says what he says. Is there no point when it’s ok for sane, objective people like me to just call him what he is? It’s the truth. If that hurts, don’t blame me, blame the president.

          1. Unfortunately Trump and his republican enablers are only the symptoms. The disease is comprised of Trump’s messianic followers. They’ll still be here after the election, infecting everything that follows.

    2. He’s coming down the escalator
      With a girl from east of here
      He wants to make the country greater
      We’ve got nothing left to fear

      Because the man in the tin foil hat
      Is sitting on the throne tonight
      It kinda feels like a coup d’etat
      But it’s gonna be great, tremendous, amazing and all that

      ‘Cause the man in the tin foil hat
      Is tweeting like a teenage girl
      He puts the Pluto in plutocrat
      It’s gonna be a yuge yuge yuge new world

      He hasn’t got the time for losers
      Unless they do as he commands
      He’s writing checks to his accusers
      With those tiny little hands

      Because the man in the tin foil hat
      Is sitting on the throne tonight
      It kinda feels like a coup d’etat
      But it’s gonna be a yuge yuge yuge new world

      ‘Cause the man in the tin foil hat
      Is gonna drain the swamp tonight
      And fill it with up with alternative facts
      It’s gonna be great, tremendous, amazing and all that

      Todd Rundgren – “Tin Foil Hat” – 2017

  3. It is true that when society becomes neurotic it can persist for a long time as it did in Europe during the 1930’s. However what people lose sight of is that neurotic fascism requires all people to march in the same direction. Simply by hearing the drummer of a better path we can affect the direction of a neurotic body politic. Yes there is a risk of losing one’s head, literally, but the odds of that are small and simply by being we are changing the course of the others.

    The intention of a fascist leader is to first break people down through seemingly crazy interactions then to demand they believe what is told. Religions do this well and is reason why so many evanglicals love this particular Devil.

    What is different about this president is that it appears that crazy is a goal in and of itself. Not a means to an end. Is the reason why people are starting to tire of his approach. Do not worry he will not be here to haunt us long and I estimate he may not live to see November 3rd. I see nothing to prove his good health and crashing out of the virtual event may just be a way to hide is true state of health.

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