Robinhood Hordes Get Reality Check In Selloff, But Goldman Takes Note Of Retail Triumph

Like Paul Tudor Jones and Stan Druckenmiller, institutional investors "have been stunned by the juxtaposition of the sharpest GDP contraction on record with a 36% market rally", Goldman's David Kostin says, in a note out Friday evening. Jones said this week it was time for some "humble pie" and Druckenmiller told CNBC he "missed a great opportunity", having logged just a 3% gain in a 40% rally. While participation from hedge funds and other manifestations of the "smart money" may have been lac

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7 thoughts on “Robinhood Hordes Get Reality Check In Selloff, But Goldman Takes Note Of Retail Triumph

  1. People love pyramid schemes when they are early to the game….. Should make for a more interesting W recovery.
    Probably why POTUS wants to mail out more checks, time it right and we can have S&P 4000 at election time…
    He does know a little bit about gamblers.

  2. Where do these stereotypical retail players get their trading ideas from? Oh yeah that is right they get it from the dog and pony show self proclaimed as legitimate, well known financial names grifting market insight. So the leaders of the rally took a little hit last week and they will get another toe stubbing with some of their selections here shortly. Will they not still be ahead of the financial geniuses who may not have even broken even from the March losses?

    They may be ahead for some time to come. Also are we assuming that these would be (out of envy/) scoundrels do not have active accounts, indexed funds, other traditional investments. Retail investors are targets of the market crooks. I guess some of these recent conquerors of the crooked are just lucky, and do not have years of acknowledging and countering the endemic manipulative portfolio of schemes crooked financial souls bring to bare.

    Someone who is out performing the markets by 40-60 percent can weather a whole hell of a lot compared to the meager who gained very little if at all over the last months.

    1. Please tone down the “crooks”, “schemes”, etc. language. This post has nothing to do with malfeasance of any kind, and that kind of rhetoric detracts from the tone I want to foster on this site. Sarcasm, wit, etc. are obviously welcome, as is any discussion about the extent to which inequality in the country has been perpetuated by the prevailing state of affairs which puts the “little guy” (so to speak) at a disadvantage. But nebulous allegations of bad faith made against unnamed “scoundrels”, etc. isn’t constructive, and over the long-haul, has the effect of discouraging serious discussion and waters down the overall quality of the site.

  3. I’ve been cross-referencing Robintrack vs performance of cyclical small cap names. Looks to me like the stocks favored by the Robinhooders held up better last week. They all went down, but the Robinhood-favored names bounced harder on Friday.

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