The Bad News Is, ‘The Next Recession Could See The Third-Worst Spread Peak In History’

Reams have been written - or, in a digital world, we can say "gallons of digital ink has been spilled" - documenting the explosion of debt and the steady rise in a variety of ostensibly key leverage metrics in a world of artificially suppressed borrowing costs and, as it relates to corporate borrowers, perverse management incentives that encourage financial engineering. The problem with most of this analysis - and I'm speaking in generalities here, so cut me some slack - resides in trying to fi

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7 thoughts on “The Bad News Is, ‘The Next Recession Could See The Third-Worst Spread Peak In History’

  1. Honestly sometimes Iā€™m just baffled. We wonder why inflation is so low while central banks engineer asset inflation on an unprecedented scale without any change to the transmission channel to the real economy.

    Now we are entering a prolonged period of low growth and low inflation, and again we wonder why, as central banks engineer a prolonged low rate environment that keeps non-productive assets viable.

    So, capital is either trapped in companies with non-productive assets or peopleā€™s bank accounts with non-productive assets.

    How is this supposed to be any good for anyone?

  2. I simply cannot wait for the great reset of this post-Bush Recession Fed-Fed economic fascism. Americans canā€™t eat plutocrat-engineered rates and dovish Fed-Fed market socialist largesse. This country has subsisted on Frankenstein debt monetization-as-GDP for almost a decade. The current Orangehole-GOPer profligacy of GAAP $1.3 trillion yearly sinkholes (almost a mirror imaging of the pre Great Bush Recession machinations of a tax scam & atrocious Treasury credit card dependency) – to buttress the rich almost exclusively – has now become the WH pogrom to flout American economic interests and, indeed, engineer market racketeering to sustain electoral viability.

    Despite the Byzantine bureaucratic macros and their tendentious narrative of widespread demographic benefit – anybody in the preponderant mean middle class quagmire (or below), whose ā€œassetsā€ are increasingly delineated by the lengthening shadows of soul-crushing debt, will attest that they are but a few paychecks away from de facto poverty.

    Class envy? You bet your kleptocrat-rationalizing ass! Democracy is strengthened at the bottom of a 60% crash.

    1. I mean, Peter is Peter… lol. I’ve never spoken to him personally, but I guess what I would say is that Peter is a broken record to the 900-millionth degree. he elicits eye rolls in some circles, but not quite as much as others of his ilk. i would not compare myself to Peter nor would I quote him.

    2. ā€œ…on the same page…ā€ of what? Some fascist-leaning, tendentiously faaaaaaar proto-fascistic, GOPer-mash note-ing, Orangehole pom-pomming, used-gold salesman digital-rag from Daniel Ivandjiiski? Nothing personal, Brian – honestly – but have you read a few of the articles on Heisenberg Report (the political ones, anyways?)

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