Trump Attempts To Write Twitter Story About ‘Great Lovers’, Spells ‘Destroy’ Wrong

Listen, Donald Trump "knows werdz", ok? And he doesn't just "know werdz", he's "got the best wurds". I mean shit, if you don't believe me, just ask him:   See? Straight from the horse's ass mouth. Well, on Saturday morning, during Day 1 of his traditional two-day, weekend Twitter meltdown, Trump decided to employ his "best werdz" in the service of wordzing some more about James Comey and the IG report. This is

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5 thoughts on “Trump Attempts To Write Twitter Story About ‘Great Lovers’, Spells ‘Destroy’ Wrong

  1. HE IS JUST PLAIN IGNORANT and An ignorant person can be dangerous.

    lacking in knowledge or in training; knowing little or nothing; uninformed about a particular subject.

    Illiterate originally meant lacking a knowledge of literature or similar learning, but is most often applied now to one unable to read or write

    Uneducated refers especially to lack of schooling or to lack of access to a body of knowledge equivalent to that learned in schools

    uninstructed, untutored, untaught, illiterate, unlettered, uneducated, unenlightened.
    birdbrained, cretinous, imbecilic, insensible, moronic, nescient, shallow, uncultivated, untrained, witless, obtuse, barbarian, doltish, numbskulled, oafish, half-witted

    🙂 the mower he tweats, the mower he distroys his own emage. LOL

  2. An eon ago we had a president that was literate:

    Former President Barack Obama shared his reading list on Saturday, saying there’s “so much good writing and art and a variety of thought out there these days,” though he’ll “miss ‘The Americans.'”

    Show less
    “Futureface: A Family Mystery, an Epic Quest, and the Secret to Belonging,” by Alex Wagner.

    His take: “[A] thoughtful, beautiful meditation on what makes us who we are — the search for harmony between our own individual identities and the values and ideals that bind us together as Americans.”
    “The New Geography of Jobs,” by Enrico Moretti.

    His take: “It’s six years old now, but still a timely and smart discussion of how different cities and regions have made a changing economy work for them — and how policymakers can learn from that to lift the circumstances of working Americans everywhere.”
    “Why Liberalism failed,” by Patrick Deneen.

    His take: “I found this book thought-provoking. I don’t agree with most of the author’s conclusions, but the book offers cogent insights into the loss of meaning and community that many in the West feel, issues that liberal democracies ignore at their own peril.”
    “The 9.9 Percent is the New American Aristocracy,” in the Atlantic by Matthew Stewart.

    His take: “Another thought-provoking analysis, this one about how economic inequality in America isn’t just growing, but self-reinforcing — and what that means for education, health, happiness, even the strength of our democracy.”
    Go deeper: The destruction of the American Dream
    “In the Shadow of Statues: A White Southerner Confronts History,” by Mitch Landrieu.

    His take: “It’s an ultimately optimistic take from someone who believes the South will rise again not by reasserting the past, but by transcending it.”
    “Truth Decay: An Initial Exploration of the Diminishing Role of Facts and Analysis in American Public Life,” by Jennifer Kavanagh and Michael D. Rich for the RAND Corporation.

    His take: “A look at how a selective sorting of facts and evidence isn’t just dishonest, but self-defeating to a society that has always worked best when reasoned debate and practical problem-solving thrive.”

    Imagine again having a leader that could write complete sentences? Let alone being able to connect with actual ideas?

    1. … and was respectful and polite and did not lie … and knew the history of this country and loved this country … and wasn’t a criminal … and loved his wife and family … and didn’t cavort with prostitutes … and had a great sense of humor … and not one scandal while serving America as President!

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