What Is The Probability Of ‘Something Bad’ Happening? Of Geopolitics And Policy Gamblers
Ok, everyone knows the geopolitical backdrop is hopelessly fraught, right? Right.
That's thanks in no small part to the fact that the European populist revolt (catalyzed as it was by political opportunists who seized upon the flood of refugees fleeing the war-torn mideast to play on the fears of disaffected sectors of the electorate) made the trip across the Atlantic and manifested itself in Donald Trump, who took the xenophobia inherent in the message of Marine Le Pen, Brexit, AfD, and Geert W
Thanks for this look at the Barclays report. The excerpts were very enlightening. The final probability table shows just how powerful combinatorics can be. Couple that with the concluding photo gallery, especially the last one which came with an unspoken question that was popular in Nixon’s time: “Would you buy a used car from either of these guys?”
It isn’t masses vs ‘globalization’ it is the have-nots being systematically screwed by export and implentation of Wall Street Finance to the world. Just read and listen to maintstream financial rags like WSJ and Bloomberg on any given day: anything that is good for workers and the economy results in tantrums and malaise on Wall Street. Wall Street thrives on the worker economy going to hell. 90% of stocks are in the hands of the 1%. This financial market narrative is pure fantasy – making Dennison’s story spinning psychosis pure sanity by comparison.