The Deep State Tried To Murder Sean Hannity’s Twitter Account Because Sean Was Getting Too Close To The Truth.
By Robyn Pennacchia as originally published over at Wonkette and reposted here with permission
Last night and this morning, for a few beautiful hours, Sean Hannity’s Twitter account was non-existent. Not in the “this account has been suspended” kind of way, in the “this page does not exist” kind of way – the way it looks when you take your own account down yourself. Tragically, it is back up now, although he hasn’t tweeted anything yet.
It’s being largely speculated th
Quote from The Associated Press (att.net):
“While we normally do not discuss individual accounts, for privacy and security reasons, we have permission from the account owner to confirm that account was briefly compromised,” Twitter said by email, without elaborating. […] “The Deep State is in panic!” tweeted Alex Jones, a far-right radio show host. “Hannity disappears from Twitter after eerie tweet.” WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange took to Twitter to observe how Hannity had his account “mysteriously disappear.”
Shut him down — fucking drama queen. Think about this folks – what is his purpose with the behavior he portrays every single damned day? Some are saying ‘self-promotion’ — is that ok at the expense of the damage he causes to FBI, DOJ, all democrats, plenty of repubs too, pumping iffy people to grab your guns, run amok. He is definitely one of the many contributing to the fuel that runs the nut jobs!
It was good to see the morning crews today at MSNBC take FOX to task for their ridiculous “news” presentations. Of course the people that should be watching certainly were not. One HUGE improvement by FOX would be to remove Hannity but they are terrified of the loss of money … really? Did you guys read how rich the backers of FOX are? Just a bunch of greedy bastards (many are not even Americans) with no care about the damage they are promoting to destroy America’s democracy.
” […] grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”