New Details Of Trump Obstruction Probe Revealed: Jeff Sessions Was Pressured To Avoid Recusing Himself
To be sure, Donald Trump did not need any more bad press on Thursday.
The steady stream of leaked excerpts from Michael Wolff’s new book, “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House”, have done irreparable harm to an administration that everyone already suspected was the very definition of dysfunctional.
Worse, the President is now engaged in a public war of words with former chief strategist Steve Bannon. That row has the potential to splinter Trump's base, with the hardline populist
Well the sh*t just keeps piling up doesn’t it. Republicans like Steve Schmidt and David Jolly are few and far between and because there aren’t enough of them ‘sh*t for brains” will keep all of us locked in this nightmare for a while longer.
The Grand Old Party is no more, to bad I loved fighting (in a good way) with those friends of mine they have ALL flown the coop and are indie”s now. The “Liar in Chief” will finish burning down the last remnants as he destroys a once pretty decent country. MAGA, you bet!!!!!!!!!!!!!1