Paul Krugman On The GOP’s Final Middle Finger To The Middle Class

By Paul Krugman for The New York Times These are not good times, politically, for Republicans. The Virginia blowout showed that the Trump backlash is real, and will show up in actual votes, not just polls. A series of local elections have produced Democratic victories in hitherto deep-red regions. Despite gerrymandering and the inherent disadvantage caused by concentration of minority voters in urban districts, Democrats are probably mild favorites to take the House; thanks to Roy Moore, they e

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2 thoughts on “Paul Krugman On The GOP’s Final Middle Finger To The Middle Class

  1. I think the next Democratic or even Independent President, will be very busy making EOs that reverse most of Trump’s EOs. The media left and right will miss poor old Donny. Unless the Russians get Sarah Palin (female intellectual equivalent of Trump) elected yet, the Republicans will take generations to get the Trump stink out of the GOP. However, the Trump stain on the GOP will last forever in history books – Harvard political case studies – and the memories of our allies.

  2. “. . . the Republicans will take generations to get the Trump stink out of the GOP. ‘

    Unfortunately, I doubt it will linger much over four years. Republicans have the memory span of domesticated animals. The same thing was said after Nixon resigned. You forget how closely Reagan came after Nixon.

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