First Charges Filed In Mueller Investigation, Arrests To Come As Soon As Monday

Remember that Robert Mueller investigation? That would be the one about potential collusion between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin and also about whether the President might be guilty of obstructing justice by trying to impede the investigation. That would also be the one that's supposed to be going away because there's nothing to it according to Donald Trump, his surrogates, and the alt-Right blogosphere.   Well guess what? It's not going away. And not only is it not going away, CN

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8 thoughts on “First Charges Filed In Mueller Investigation, Arrests To Come As Soon As Monday

  1. Hey, don’t forget those 30,000 deleted emails too!

    But, we’ll see. So far there has been a surprising lack of evidence given the amount of manufactured media furor devoted to this subject.

    Oh, and before I forget. I wanted to give a shoutout to Mr. Heisenberg. He responded to an earlier post of mine and I wanted to say that I really appreciate the time he took to personally respond. I know most people in his position do not have the time or the inclination to respond to a subscriber like me and it says a lot about him as a person. Thank you.

  2. “Now to Bill in the Action News 4 Chopper following the mysterious white Bronco”, “Bill what can you tell us”? “Well Walter the windows are all dark so no word on the passenger, but the driver seen through the front windshield has orange hair, quite noticeable I might add”.

    1. Yep, we all need to laugh. Too bad about
      the sadness and shame
      in D.C. politics… and this is not fake news. EVERYBODY “AIN’T”

  3. Let’s keep in mind the four major issues of the ongoing investigations:

    1. Did the Russians interfere with the U.S. elections, to what extent, and how.
    2. Was Trump aware of the Russian interference, and why did he not report it? (or worse)
    3. Did Trump try to obstruct justice as the FBI, or any other federal agency, tried to uncover the election interference?
    4. Did Trump try to obstruct justice in the investigation of his, or his associates’, business dealings with the Russians?

    If Manafort is charged, and the charges relate to his business dealings and unregistered foreign agent issue, that address item 4 only. And it doesn’t yet indicate that Trump obstructed justice. We are a long way from nailing Trump.

  4. The Uranium deal stinks on it’s own accord. It neither exonerates Trump, nor excuses the Clintons. It deserves more investigation

    1. Paul, that horse is dead, please quit beating it.

      The Washington Post Fact Checker noted last year, “There is no evidence Clinton herself got involved in the deal personally, and it is highly questionable that this deal even rose to the level of the secretary of state.” The Post gave Trump “Four Pinocchios” for his campaign claims. The fact-checking website Snopes rated the claim “False.”

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