Janet Napolitano: Here’s Why I’m Suing The Trump Administration

******************************** By Janet Napolitano for the LA Times As secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, a little more than five years ago I signed the directive that created the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. On Tuesday, President Trump ended DACA on little more than a whim. On Friday, in my capacity as president of the University of California, I filed a lawsuit in federal court seeking to prevent the government from stripping DACA recipients of their

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10 thoughts on “Janet Napolitano: Here’s Why I’m Suing The Trump Administration

  1. It’s your job to educate them, not to protect them from deportation. It was unconstitutional for Obummer to create DACA. Blah-blah Janet. Hopefully, the right sues everything that the left does when they are in charge. They should have sued when DACA was created.

      1. Whether DACA is Constitutional or Unconstitutional is irrelevant. In 2014, Obama tried to expand DACA, but was rebuffed by rebelling states and court rulings.
        It was created by Presidential fiat after years of failure in Congress to pass legislation accomplishing in law the same thing.

        Part of the risk one runs when ramming policy thru by order and not legislation is that it can rammed back. Trump, like it or not, has thrown this back to where it should have been hashed out to begin with..in Congress.

        Obama..and now Trump..as all before have miserably failed with dealing with illegal immigration. I refuse to use the term undocumented..it implies that someone just left their papers at home and its just a matter of handing them in to the proper authorities. There needs to be a very clear and defined path to citizenship or worker status for those who don’t want to become US citizens.

        Illegals should pay for the process..not me or any other US taxpayer. They will then have the pride and relief that comes from being in a place they are welcome
        and will, in most cases, help get rid of the freeloaders who are not paying the price.

        Napolitano is a self serving twit who has continuously abused her Office at UC
        and is, like all Bureaucrats, only concerned about her own skin.

        Dreams are only handed out when people are asleep..we need to wake up and develop a real policy and a path. People in Silicon Valley would drown in their own spit if immigrants weren’t there to do every nasty, lousy job.

  2. It was OK for O Bummer to exceed his authority while establishing DACA, but wrong for Trump to correct the mess DACA poses. Interesting. Typical leftie logic.

    1. If the Obama administration overstepped their legal authority by establishing the DACA program as you claim, won’t judicial review of the issue confirm your view and prevent similar executive overreach in the future?

  3. Jack, you certainly are a disgusting example of an American. Your problem is that your level of intelligence and accomplishment is far below the average DACA recipient and you don’t even understand what you are arguing against.

    And I really am not sure where Anonymous stands on this but prior discussions with Anonymous were laughable and very unimpressive.

    I say to Janet Napolitano – GOOD FOR YOU! and I bet she has many millions who support her!

      1. So you know Ivanka and Eric Trump were (may still be?) registered Democrats. So was the trump himself before he decided the republicans were probably far more stupid and he might have a better chance at fooling all them to squeeze his plump ass into the oval office. Turns out, he was Right. no pun intended. sure. So, exactly what are you arguing against? Please tell us.

  4. Somebody needs to stand up for those being persecuted.

    The 9 th Circuit just just slammed the original replacement ban.

    Janet you’re up to bat.

    As a veteran, it didn’t matter to me as a Caucasian which ethnic minority had my back.

    Jack, wacky up and smell the coffee bro, mostly all of our forefathers were immigrants who gave us the places we now reside.

    Look at what the dreamers who preceded these Dreamers made in the 200 years we have been here!

    If you can’t accept progress then I feel for you.

    Just don’t be caught trying to force feed a free people.

    1. Viet Vet

      They are not being persecuted. Nice try. My mom followed the rules and waited in line for over 5 years. Breaking the law is not progress. Waky off Vet.

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