Trump Says North Korea ‘Only Understands One Thing’ And He Wishes You’d Let Him Get On With It

Listen, if Pyongyang launches an H-bomb-tipped ICBM and turns San Francisco into a pile of smoldering ashes, don’t you go blaming Donald Trump.

Because Donald Trump wanted to launch an H-bomb-tipped ICBM from San Francisco and turn Pyongyang into a smoldering pile of ashes a long time ago, ok?

And he tried to warn you. How many times did he try to warn you? When it comes to international disputes and just foreign policy in general, we’d all be a lot safer if you just let him go with his gut and start a nuclear war.

I mean sure, millions of people would die on the Korean peninsula, but at least Guam’s tourism industry would thrive “like tenfold.” People would be lining up to get front row seats for the apocalypse. And Eddie Calvo would become an overnight celebrity. Do you not want that for Eddie?

But despite the fact that you know, in your heart of hearts, that nuclear war is always the best option when tweets and off-the-cuff, golf course hyperbole delivered at random during a meeting about opioid addiction fails, you didn’t listed to Trump, did you?

Nooooo, you didn’t.

And look at what happened: Kim conducted another nuclear test and worse than that, he hijacked Trump’s catchphrase, calling the test a show of “unprecedentedly big power.”

So not only do we have to sit idly by while he tests nukes, now he gets to use “bigly”, too?! Don’t you see what Kim did?! He took the “ly” off “bigly” and attached it to “unprecedented” to make “unprecedentedly.” And then, in the final insult, he put the word “big” in the same sentence as an extra slap in the face to Trump.

Now that Trump has been proven definitively right about how the world needs a little more “grab ’em by the pussy” and a little less “generally being a pussy,” here’s the President this morning delivering the most bombastic set of tweets he could get John Kelly to begrudgingly clear:


That’s right! “They only understand one thing.”

And although Trump’s babysitters aren’t going to let him tell you what that “one thing” is, we can go ahead and assume it has to do with the “other” red button on his desk (i.e. not the one he pushes to have someone bring him a canned Coke).

So please America – please! – will you let Donald Trump “move on Kim like a bitch” and start a nuclear war?

I mean after all, “when you’re President” they’re supposed to “let you do it”…


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6 thoughts on “Trump Says North Korea ‘Only Understands One Thing’ And He Wishes You’d Let Him Get On With It

  1. I give it 2 weeks. Strategic assets need to move. Would guess there will be a “pretend” decrease in tensions while this occurs. We will wake up one morning soon with a special report by the president. Sending an ICBM over japan and then detonating a blast that size in 1 week won’t be answered with talk, sanctions, etc… Kim’s goal is to force a withdrawal of the United States from S. Korea and then pull a “Crimea” under the pretense of a rightful reunification under his crushing regime. This past week basically cemented war one way or another. This will be fought with us or without us. Politics aside these are the scenarios we are moving toward. It is not the fault of President Clinton, Bush, Obama, or Trump now. There have been many high hopes for so long. The Kim regime will move forward no matter what evidenced by their actions.

    1. What you are saying is very possible, but surprise, surprise, we also have the ability to depopulate North Korea within a few weeks without using nuclear weapons.

  2. Labor Day used to be a time spent in fun things with family.
    Now, not so much.
    I agree with the above post on movement of strategic assets, but by ALL parties.
    A 3D chess game where there is no winner.
    Ever consider that the use of MOAB in Afghanistan was proof of concept for conventional response to concealed artillery aimed at Seoul?
    B2’s and F-15’s with Bunker Busters?
    Ramp up time started today.

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