White House: “Overwhelming Evidence” Russia Trying To Cover Up Syria Gas Attack
Well, here it is: something.
But it's impossible to know what because at the end of the day, there's still the mountain of evidence that supports the contention that the Trump administration colluded with Russia during the election.
So while we can't possibly know the "whole" story behind the chemical attacks in Syria last week, we now know the "official" line which is simply this: Russia was complicit.
Via USA Today
The White House said Tuesday there is overwhelming evidence that Syria used
If the White House said it then it must be true. Next I expect they will tell us that the chemical weapons were manufactured by Saddam Hussein and smuggled into Syria from Iraq while Obama was president.
Next they will tell us that Obama manufactured the weapons himself, when living in Africa. And Susan Rice delivered them to Hillary, who flew the planes herself.
Your both right.