Reliable Sources: Putin Says Putin Puppet Plotting Fake Gas Attacks To Frame Putin

You know, sometimes you just have to throw up your hands. There's a difference between questioning the prevailing narrative and buying into the patently absurd. One example of the patently absurd is this: Bashar al-Assad would never use barrel bombs, or cluster munitions, or chemical weapons. Chemical attacks in Syria have been a favorite target for conspiracy theorists for years. And the silly thing is, it's not really clear why. That is, everyone knows the CIA has "covertly" supported the

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4 thoughts on “Reliable Sources: Putin Says Putin Puppet Plotting Fake Gas Attacks To Frame Putin

  1. So this suggests that Trump is committed to regime change in Moscow. Think about it. The Russians are our real enemy and have been for a long time. And we have not seriously tried to change the regimne since the 1920’s when we supported the “White Russian” civil war. It makes sense to me. Seems consistent with Trump’s world view: “commies are bad”/

  2. You seem to have a hard time understanding that assad has been a target just like putin because they simply refuse to be puppets to the west, anyone who does not bow to them are immediately targeted for regime change, just like in Libya, gaddafi was going to do things with the currency that would help its nation and Africa and the west didn’t like that too much so they had him overthrown. Oh let me guess: “well he was a dictator!” Oh yea? Well even if that was true, he was in power for years, all the sudden the u.s decides to overthrow him for that reason? Please. It was over the new currency he was going to make, he was not being a puppet, just like assad and now look whats going on with that. By the way, there is proof that in the 2013 chemical attack the Syrian government was framed for it. It’s not just a theory. While you achknowledge about the arming and funding of the terrorists in Syria, you still don’t seem to fully understand the big picture of what’s happening.