Pentagon: US Now Looking Into Possible Russia Role In Syria Chemical Attack
Well, if you needed any further evidence that the honeymoon between the Kremlin and Donald Trump was over, look no further because now, the Pentagon is probing whether Russia was complicit in the chemical attack in Idlib.
According to "a senior US defense official", the US is investigating whether a Russian warplane deliberately bombed a hospital in Khan Sheikhoun where victims were being treated in an effort to "destroy evidence."
"A US defense official says intelligence shows a Russian dron
Whose who in the zoo. I wouldn’t put ANYTHING past any of these Fu*kers. Raise your hand if you think Assad, Putin or Trump gives a sh*t about anyone but THEMSELVES. Who gets the next bomb(s) our troops, Assad’s, the Russians or the 20 or more factions (still fighting for who knows what?)including Isis, and or Al Qaeda or just the next Syrian family trying to live in this sh*thole. The middle east is a powder keg just waiting for the wrong move by some dumb sh*t who will light the match. Who could that be??? This is tribal sh*t and they don’t want us involved other than someone to blame. Watch the Neocons talk and cajole “Dumbsh*t”(If we got nukes why don’t we use them) right into this mess.